Henry Gandy Research Paper

Words: 789
Pages: 4


Shawnee, Ohio. ( A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of the Cumberland and central Ohio Valleys, with modern-day populations in Oklahoma. The Shawnee figured prominently in the resistance to white settlement of the Ohio Valley by the end of the 1700s and early as the 1800s.

Shawnee, Ohio, peaceful and antique, one would not recognize that it was the 20th century, the present.
The aging, yet fit, Henry Gandy began his morning as usual with a light breakfast, a steaming cup of strong black coffee, laced with a good dose of boubon whiskey, then a fetch for his hiking stick and an embarkation for the thick woods. The morning was especially exciting in that Mr Gandy had just successfully recouperated from a bout
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But yet it seemed as old as all the others he knew so well.

'No... I would say even older! For notice the old meandering roots that twist beneath it... This is a path I must have seen, but never have.'

Henry is more delighted in this curiosity than not, for the present, here is a new stroll of adventure, a fitting gift for a reuion.
As the path lead him deeper into the interior of the forrest, he thought whether it wise to tax his frail health any longer from excessive exertion, but the novelty won out over concern, and he happily hiked on. But now he had reached a point where the trail gave the appearance of vanishing into a twisting of vines, low hanging limbs, and yet more strange, shrubs that even puzzled his prodigeous horticultural sensibilities.
Finally he paused, thought better, pivoted about, and resolved to turn his steps back to familiar ground, and home.

(Phrase edit)

At the exact same moment he ponder so, did a large spotted beast race by him as though being chased. Yet he wondered what could frighten an animal of this size. It was the size of a cockhorse, but the shape of a wolverine, only larger, it ran low to the ground like a rodent, with the addition of horns pertuding from the sides of it's small head. It wasn't anything he had ever seen, whether in books, or with his own
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But no sooner did he resume his retreat, than did a fellow, small in stature, jog pass in pursuit. He was, as stated, diminutive in height, but muscular in build. He had the physiognomy of those Mongolians that once terroized the borders of Northern Europe during the middle ages. He was naked, except for what seemed to be a hairy vest, tied secure at the waist with a rope of vine. In his hands he craddle a cudgel as he hurried in a vigorous, but determined stride, eyes riveted on what it was that preceded him. What it was, had to be the anomaly aforementioned... A