Hero In William Goldman's The Princess Bride

Words: 186
Pages: 1

In William Goldman’s, The Princess Bride, readers know up front that Westley is the hero figure but without Dread Pirate Roberts, Westley may not have even been there to rescue Princess Buttercup from her original kidnappers. The significance of Dread Pirate Roberts is that without it, The Princess Bride no longer has a hero. The hero is either incapable or is unclear in the story. Dread Pirate Roberts represents what genuine respect, and loyalty is simply because of the title’s reputation. Without even knowing what the man claiming the title looks like, fear strikes people at the mere mention of Dread Pirate Roberts. What makes Dread Pirate Roberts a hero in the story is the man owning the name, and how he uses it. If Westley had not have