The movie begins with a giant yellow smiley face, and then goes to a scene that is shrouded in shadows, a darkly robed man smoking, and then to a tv playing an interview with the president, richard nixon, and scientists talking about doomsday. The yellow in the beginning is muddled, not a bright yellow, but an ugly, almost mucus colored yellow, showing that even the brighter things in the movie will not necessarily be positive or nice. The man in this scene is “the comedian”, a retired masked vigilante, who later in this scene is murdered, also under the cover of shadow. The darkness surrounding his death adds mystery to the killer, and specifically highlights the more gruesome moments in the scene.
Rorschach’s first scene is him sneaking into the crime …show more content…
They take off his mask and his face is revealed. The next scene of rorschach is when he is in prison. The police are trying to get him to explain his actions and the room is a bright blueish grey color. This is Rorschachs real life, and as opposed to Dan’s, it is bright but awful. He does not have any of the warm colors that Dan’s scenes do, he only has cool colors, and the scenes are almost too bright. This shows that while Dan is comfortable in his normal life, to Rorschach it is uncomfortable, a hostile environment that is overwhelming and