Heroism: Is Alexander A Grand Villain?

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Pages: 5

Heroes have something innately special and exceptional that other people do not have. These abilities transcend all moral judgments and control by having a deeper sense of morality and justice. Most well-known examples of heroism have stressed on the actions of bravery that involved guts, valor, and a risk of major bodily injury or even death. Military conquerors give their lives in professional service. Police and firefighters are accorded special recognition in most communities. Their actions involve forfeiting their life interest and limb in the service to their society that is beyond the traditional average in their line of work (Zimbardo 2). Accepted notions of heroism stress, principally at physical risk without sufficiently considering other elements of heroic behavior. Aristocracy of non-violent acts personal sacrifices that include including those individuals who confront injustice, dishonesty, and deceit.
“Heroism represents the ideal of citizens transforming civic virtue into the highest form of civic
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To this day, Alexander is a great hero, but in cities that were defeated in his relentless pursuit to rule the world, he is still seen as a grand villain, for more than a thousand years. Heroic acts become part of a culture’s history, when they are recorded and preserved by literate members of the society (Zimbardo 3). The history is then passed through generations, as members of the society emulate their actions and courage. However, it becomes problematic when wrong accounts are recorded or exaggerated. Recently, in San Francisco Columbus Day parade had been celebrated for his heroic journey of exploration. Since the recently-discovery of abuse of human life and exploitation of the indigenous populations, many have desisted from activities that recognizing him as a hero. Impecunious, uninformed populations of a community have few accredited hero figures for the lack of accurate records of their