High Essay

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Pages: 6

Ben’s Back­Story
MIT 2034, graduation day, thesis have been written, grades have been submitted, everything was final, and Ben was happy , the world was his oyster from; California to China he could do anything, with his majors in partical physics and question choise in minors, psychology and his young fresh mind, he was doing the world a favor. but love as love often does, got in the way. The love of his adopted children went so far as to change his own personality to make them better, which one a soft guiding hands and other stern push. His two children, Remus and
Rowen, where his second fortune, he used every ounce of knowledge, inavation, and invention he had, to protect and love them. As they grew up in the profit of the his invention, a device that he first thought of whilst writing his thesis, his kids and him would live iindefinity and own a high quality life, as this was the case, their personalities would be only determined, shaped, and properly formed by his action or inaction everyday Over the years you would have to be more and more precise with each and every action between the both of them every meal every sentence every word, had to be calculated it was driving him insane, when practicing introspection, it reminded him of his dad in his later years and his grandfather when he was visiting hannah child , he always had fun memories before a certain amount of time but things got weird for him it seems, you can't remember certain parts of the early childhood he does not know why, even with the psychological background. To analyze everything calculated everything, just like he did when he made his invention, this mysterious thing called, alpha technology and its predecessor, timeless. Here is excerpt of the paper: “Philosophy and physics may seem like polar opposites, but they regularly address quite similar questions. Recently, physicists have revisited a topic with modern philosophical origins dating over a century ago: the unreality of time. What if the passage of time were merely an illusion? Can a world without time make sense? While a world without the familiar passage of time may seem far­fetched, big

names in physics, such as string theory pioneer Ed Witten and theorist Brian Greene, have recently embraced such an idea. A timeless reality may help reconcile differences between quantum mechanics and relativity, but how can we make sense of such a world? If physics does indeed suggest that the flow of time is illusory, then philosophy may be able to shed light on such a strange notion. British philosopher J.M.E McTaggart advanced this idea in 1908 in his paper titled, “The Unreality of Time.” Philosophers widely consider his paper to be one of the most influential, early examinations of this possibility. Looking through McTaggart’s philosophical lens, a reality without time becomes a little more intuitive and, in principle, possible. A Tale of Two Times
McTaggart’s argument against the reality of time has a number of interpretations, but his argument starts with a distinction about ordering events in time. The “A” series and “B” series of time form an integral part of McTaggart’s argument, and I’ll unravel this distinction with an example historical event. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 became the first manned spacecraft to land on the moon. For argument’s sake, consider this event to represent an event during the present. Several days in the past (July 16), then, Apollo 11 lifted off the ground. Additionally, several days in the future all of the mission astronauts will land back on earth, safe and sound. Classifying an event as
“several days past,” or “several days future,” falls under the “A” series. For the moon landing, some events (e.g. Lincoln’s assassination) are in the distant past; some events are in the distant future (e.g. the inauguration of President Obama); and other events fall somewhere in between.
Under the “A” series, events flow