High-Jinks Shoot-Out Analysis

Words: 881
Pages: 4

The topic of video games, or games with simulated violence, is well known nowadays. In our world, some can argue that these violent games can be diverting for teens, when the real truth is they cause more harm than good. The games can be a good way of entertaining teens, but they are gradually and indirectly harming them physically, mentally, and morally as they play. An example of how games with simulated violence are probable of being harmful to teens physically, can be proven by the article, “High-Jinks: Shoot-Out” by Guy Martin. In the text, he says, “Protell took a car to Newark Airport, found the victims before they passed through security, and dispatched them…” The player was going to secure places with toys that could have been mistaken as weapons. That is a dangerous position, because the police have the right to shoot someone if they feel …show more content…
An instance where this occurs in the article is when it said, “ ‘I’m looking for some good massacres early,’ this year’s judge said as the competition began.” The judge of the game was very ambitious for a massacre, but massacres are not something to joke about. Thinking of terrible things like that, especially as a joke, is not a healthy mindset. Another source of this unhealthy mindset is represented in the document when it cites, “In the end, the Protell-Lowther team won, with twenty-one kills. They celebrated with a spaghetti dinner.” The teens within the winning team were celebrating killing others. The encouragement and celebration of violence has become a problem. Not only within games, but with fights, especially in schools across the country. The celebration of violence only leads to another unhealthy mindset; thinking it is a good pathway to go to be praised for violent behavior. Not only do role-playing games with simulated violence have the risk of harming teens physically and mentally, there is yet another way it can be perilous to