Both stories are heavily based on a combat between the antagonist and the protagonist. When Will Kane's enemies, Frank Miller and his posse, appear in town, Kane must try to cease him from demolishing the town. At noon, the characters are involved in a dramatic fighting scene that leaves Miller and his gang deceased. "Kane passes the camera on the run. A moment later, the three men enter the scene, fanning out and firing from cover. The fading train whistle comes over" (Foreman 331). A similar scene occurs in "The Most Dangerous Game", where Sanger Rainsford battles a fellow hunter with a conspicuous and evil side, General Zaroff. "'One of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. The other will sleep in this very excellent bed. On guard Rainsford'...'He had never slept in a better bed,' Rainsford decided" (Connell). Rainsford ends up defeating General Zaroff and is left abandoned again on the mysterious island. In both stories the protagonists win, but even if you do something exceptional you have to pay the price, as displayed in High Noon and "The Most Dangerous Game". Although they both defeated the dreadful characters, Kane and Rainsford have the knowledge that they are responsible for killing these characters. Disputes in these stories were the center point and supported the characteristics of everyone entwined in the