High School Goal Analysis

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Pages: 4

My first goal is to graduate from Verdigre High School with good grades. I have learned from my last three years in high school that showing up on time and working to the best of your ability is very important. I have also learned that asking questions and not being afraid to ask for help and new things is a great skill to have as well. Another goal I have is to attend Northeast Community College and obtain an Associates Degree in Agribusiness. In the Agribusiness program at Northeast, the college has a 566 acre working farm. That will I know that having this degree will allow me to bring new ideas back to the family farm. From this field I would like to learn more about processes that will better our family farm. I also am going to improve …show more content…
I am a hands on learner and this is my biggest strength. I have been able to do a lot of hands on learning in FFA and on my family farm. I love competing at FFA meets in the Dairy and Land Judging events. For my freshman year of high school, I made it to State FFA in Livestock Judging. My sophomore year i made it to State in parli-Pro and arc welding. My Junior year i made it to State in wire welding. My senior year, I will try my best to make to State FFA in some form of welding. I really enjoy helping my family fix a loader bucket or change tires on a tractor. I also enjoy getting all our hay put up and I have been told that we do a great job at it. Welding and mechanics are also some of my strengths. I have made money using my ability to weld. Knowing how to do these things has gotten me hired at two different places. I was able to show the bank that I am a great worker and I am responsible. This summer I was able to buy a truck on my own. I enjoy the feeling of earning my own things. It makes me appreciate them more. I like seeing the final result in the things that I create in shop class as well. My biggest obstacle for me to get through is my reading ability. Reading has been a challenge for me. My English classes throughout high school have been the hardest. But I have learned that working hard and getting the help that I need to get through is important. I have checked into the services that Northeast provides for helping me. This will get me far in my future and I work through my struggles just like I see my family work through their struggles to keep our farm going all these