At the time, she was a widow and in her seventies. She reveal imformation about the life of an immigrant laborer in the 19th century. They needed jobs and were willing to work to provide for their families. The jobs they received may not have been the best because of the harsh conditions they came with. However, they did what they needed to do to try to support their family as much as they possibly can. The memories she wrote do not contain proof of being treated positively, nor do they act as evident experience of every settlement’s experience. In that case, I do believe the Hilda’s experience was representative of other immigrants during the same time period. Many immigrants experienced the same things during the 19th and 20th centries, “The overall messege in her memoir can be used a sevidence that it was quite possible for a Jewish immigrant girl to have such rewarding wncounters at Hull-house that she retained positive feelings for more than jalf a century” 83. Her autoubiography was so good because of the memoriy she had of her experience. As a reader, It was very detailed and easy to understand form her perspective. Proof dies not discredit her autobiography because, “The many questions we can raise abour a memoir do not invalidate memoirs as valueable sources of historical knowledge”