Richard Hill
College 100
American Public University
Monica Ludwig
Discussed thoroughly, one can see that the values of everyday actions are signs of mankind’s ability to have multiple intelligences. Observations of social interactions, logistical thinking, visual, linguistic, spatial, intrapersonal, and musical inclinations will show how the theory works. This paper looks at several sources of observations on the findings and publications of Howard Gardner from Harvard. This research is to help further the knowledge of how we all contain multiple intelligences.
Learning styles:
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
It is often perceived that one’s intelligence can be measured only by a single number, known as the IQ level. While having a high intelligence does help one’s ability to complete tasks and homework, it does not determine how well you will do in life. The thought of your whole life being predetermined and judged by others is attached to a number that is gathered from data off a single test shows only a one dimensional view of someone’s intellect (Gardner, 2008).With a lifelong involvement in studying the human brains abilities and with a theory of how one can achieve multiple intellects, Howard Gardner of Harvard, shows that classifying someone’s intelligence encompasses much more than just a number. According to Gardner (2008) the approach of a uniform school system and testing is catered specifically to one specific mindset that can be measured through the IQ or SAT tests. This gives no chance for people with special set of abilities or intelligences, throughout this paper, research will be addressing what constitutes as intelligence, why do humans contain multiple intelligences, and revealing the key to future education models now that there is a sound theory that describes intelligences found universally in humans. To describe intelligence as the ability to learn uniformly with peers and retain information to pass a written test, does not include the observed, documented, and continual study of the seven intelligences outlined by Gardner (2011). According to Gardner intelligences are classified as problem solving skills, where an objective needs to be meet, and finding the proper route to said goal. Over time mankind has developed a strong linguistic intelligence that has been portrayed through poems and literature. Great playwrights and poets constantly struggle with finding the perfect words to delicately balance and portray the emotion throughout their ensemble. This shows the ability to problem solve using linguistic knowledge applied by any source of language. From Mozart to Freddie Mercury musical composing has been unlocked for some time. Even when music was just drums being beaten to signal followers when to row on ancient wooden arches, they could decipher the tone and what it correlated to. Kassell’s research (1998) was excited by Gardner’s findings in that music can be a discipline of knowing. As technology has advanced from radio to flat screen TV’s, smartphones, and telecommunications, the understanding of the mathematical skills going in to develop new processes, plays a major role in logical-mathematical intelligence. Being able to create an image by visualizing and controlling mentally then interpreting that into real world application, such as Pablo Picasso or Leonardo Da Vinci, shows how spatial intelligence is truly amazing with creativeness. Often getting a bad rap for being meat heads, athletes measure the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, which doesn’t always apply to just athletes, Charlie Chaplin was a great body manipulator to translate comedy to viewers. According to Gardner (2008) mankind has two intelligences that directly involve the thought of ourselves, Intrapersonal, and how we perceive to know others, Interpersonal. Sales people are a great example of interpersonal intelligence with the