Collision BETWEEN CHRISTIAN AND Muslim forces
Islamic rulers
Expansion of the Umayyad caliphate (661-750)
Policies and division within the Abbasid caliphate (750-1258)
Medieval Spain- Almoravids and Almohads
Seljuk Turks
Ayyubid caliphate (1169-1260)
Collision between Christian and Muslim forces:
Expansion of the territory led to conflict and conquest
Spread of Islam into Iberian peninsula by 711: conquest by muslim.
Increased strength of Christian forces by 1050 expressed in Crsades
Re-conquest of Iberian peninsula by 1492
Islamic rulers: all the succesors, were adamnet about expansion and were not satisfied by the present boundaries of their time. Ali shifts the focus from expansion and military and focus more on the roots of the message of mohammed and other religious issues. He (ali) was killed in 661 which was a significant date.
EXPANSION OF THE UMAYYAD CALIPHATE (661-750): They don’t think they need the direct connection to muhanmmed. They need more connections with the leader- who was the center of it all and all the elite groups and dominate.
CoRODBA WOOULD BE THE CENTER OF THE UMAYYAD PENINSULA It signifies cultural exchanges and etc with spain.
Let the empire function because now we have money and power
He destroys every successor in the clan. Because he doesn’t want the reign to go any further
One flees and takes over a territory in another peninsula
JAN 16 2013
There are variety of Islamic rulers. Number of different integration of religion.
JAN 21 2013
Transformation of the western empire:
End of roman empire
Importance of the military tribal confederations
Patriarchial society with the emphasis on warfare
Implemnetation of wergeld: it’s a strategy to show the sophistication of relations. Other ways of settleing disputes other than violence- through marriage dowry etc
Use of myths and rituals- warrior bands
Creation of federated tribes
Goths as challenges: continue to grow in power- in terms of power, strength and population and then take over rome and make new types of kingdoms
Clovis, leader of SALIAN FRANKS, gained independence from rome in 486
Society: importance of the household; alo the importance of Christianity increases
Fusion of Germanic and roman tradition:
Religion – Christianity:
1. Importance of the parish system
2. Connection of urban and rural areas
Importance of localism:
a. Personal units transform to territorial units
b. Shift from city to countryside
c. Role of monasteries
d. Power linked to locale
Without the merovingians we wouldn’t have the Carolingians
Part of the reaosn that merovingians were weak was because they followed th eineritance policy- the oldest son becomes the heir.
Carolingians: don’t follow the heritance policy. They look for a stronger and more powerful leader is put in place.
He is a bit of a religious reformer because he makes the people switch to into Christianity
He believes that violence is not t eonly way to make connections- he believes in arts
Many believe he might be the most important figure within this time frame in Europe.
The church wants tp preserve the classical works of Christianity
The Carolingian empire wasn’t the lasting empire or the empire that would have been a good influence. It is a good empire while it lasted but not the ideal one.
JAN 23RD 2013
SECULA CLERGY: PRIESTS, ARCH BISHOPS, BISOPS etc clergy that actually interact with people
JAN 28TH 2013
1. The cathedral chapter of Chartes: the riot of 1210
The authority figure:
Dean willia, phillip ausgustus = phillip 2, marshal, countess of blois-qartes.
FEB 1ST 2013
- Danish invader, Cnut, ruled England from 1016 to 1033. He was also King of Denmark and Sweden.
- The end of Danish control came when his