Middle Eastern History, 1200 to 1800
Fall 2010
Instructor: Prof. Fariba Zarinebaf (Faribaz@ucr.edu)
Class hours: T-TH 11:10- 12:30 Surge 171
Office Hours (HMNSS 5506): T-Th 2:00-3:30
Course description: This class offers a survey of Middle Eastern history from 1200 to 1800. After a brief introduction to the rise and expansion of Islam, the first part of this class will cover the rise of Turkic dynasties and the impact of the Mongol invasions and rule on Islamic societies. The second part of the class will focus on the rise of gun-powder empires (Ottomans & Safavids) in the Middle East and the Balkans. We will focus on the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople and the expansion of Ottoman rule over Anatolia, the Middle East and the Balkans. We will also discuss the rise of the Shi’i Safavid state that presented an important ideological and political challenge to the Ottoman Empire. The course will focus on the nature and evolution of Ottoman institutions, the role of Islam, and the structure of Ottoman and Safavid multi-confessional empires. The role of women and minorities in Middle Eastern societies will also be discussed. Primary sources will form an important part of reading and writing assignments. Announcements, questions, and course material will be posted on blackboard (ileran).
1. Midterm: %30
2. Final Exam: %30
3. Term-paper (5-6 pp.) :% 30
4. Attendance: %5
5. Discussion: %5
Textbooks (required): You must purchase the textbooks immediately.
Marshall Hodgson, Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization, Vols. 2 & 3
William H. McNeill and Marilyn R. Waldman, The Islamic World
John Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path.
Discussion & Attendance: It is important to come to class having read the assignment. Questions on reading assignments will be posted on ilearn every week and we will have group discussions. We will have group discussions every Th. on assigned questions on ilearn. These discussions can form a background to your papers and exams. You cannot succeed in this class if you do not attend and purchase and read your textbooks. Attendance will be taken for every class and you will lose a point for every 2 classes you miss. If you cannot purchase and read textbooks and attend the class, you should consider dropping it.
Term-paper ( 5-6 pp.): Paper topics based on the analysis of primary sources ( McNeil & Waldman) will be assigned on ilearn. You are encouraged to incorporate primary sources and textbooks with further readings from the library listed on the syllabus and other material from the library. Students can write on themes of choice upon prior consultation with the instructor and submission of a proposal and reading list. It is important that you meet with the instructor before deciding on a topic of choice. Originality and proper citation will be checked. Any plagiarism (from internet and other sources) will lead to a failing grade. The use of internet sources must be treated very selectively (since many are full of mistakes) and must be cited appropriately. You must use library sources for your papers. Please read, spell-check, and edit your papers before submission. Contact the Writing Center for assistance with your papers. Recycled papers (from other classes or shared with other students) will lead to a failing grade. Late papers will result in the loss of credit or a failing grade. Papers must be posted on Safe Assignment before submission in hard copy.
Weekly Schedule
Week 1 (9/23): Introduction: Islam in History
Esposito, 1-31, McNeill & Waldman, 13-29
Week 2 (9/28-9/30): Formation of Islamic Civilization Esposito, 32-73 McNeill & Waldman, 29-81
Week 3 (10/5-7): The disintegration of the Abbasid Empire and the rise of Perso-Turkic dynasties;
Heterodox Islam & The Sufi Path
Hodgson,vol. 2, 201-254; McNeill & Waldman, 85-130 ; 206-247;; Esposito, 74-93; 81-85
Week 4 (10/12-14 ): The Mongol invasions and the formation of