Essay on Historic Foundations of Thought

Submitted By Remix44
Words: 941
Pages: 4

University of Phoenix Material

Historic Foundations of Economic Thought Matrix

|Individual |Time Period |Influences |Works/Contribution |Impact |
|Plato | | |Plato was a great philosopher, |Plato has had an |
| | | |writer, and idea man of his time.|impact of every |
| | | |Plato also had unique ideas on |Westernized country’s |
| |428-328BC |Plato’s main influence was |the ideal state of government and|ruling body over the |
| | |his mentor Socrates |the roles or people in that |last 2,000 years. |
| | | |government. | |
|Adam Smith | |Adam Smith was a well |Adam Smith was a great |Adam Smith had a |
| | |educated man who was |philosopher and is considered the|profound impact on |
| | |influenced in his early |creator of all modern economic |economys of scale |
| | |years. These early |theory. His most famous work, An|after his lifetime. |
| |1723-1790 |teaching lead Mr. Smith to |Inquiry into the Nature and |Almost all of our |
| | |many achievements. |Causes of the Wealth of Nations. |modern economic |
| | | |Adam Smith was also a cofounder |principles were |
| | | |the Scotish Enlightenment. |written by Adam Smith.|
|J.S. Mill | |John Mills’s influence |John Mills was involved in both |J.S. Mill had a big |
| | |spread to many sectors of |the slavery and feminist |impact on the liberal |
| | |business and society as a |movement. He was in a unique |thinkers of the past |
| |1806-1873 |whole. He was an avid |position to help these groups of |and the now. His |
| | |philosopher and an active |people due to him being a member |principles of free |
| | |member of parliament that |of parliament. He is most known |speech, |
| | |was involved in many |for his stance on the issue of |utilitarianism, the |
| | |pressing issues of the day |utilitarianism. |harm principle and the|
| | |such as slavery and the | |tyranny of the |
| | |feminist movement. | |majority are still |
| | | | |used today. |
|Karl Marx | |Karl Marx has had a great |Karl Marx was a great writer but |I think the greatest |
| | |influence on every society |I think that his