Essay on history 1

Submitted By dora1964
Words: 3502
Pages: 15

The Association of Various Theories thru Psychology


What exists of a man? Are we emotional being set out to destroy ourselves? Or are we truly individuals looking for solutions to assist us in our everyday life. Psychology has attempted to answers how we cope with commonplace problems by examining overt and conventional behaviors throughout the years. History enables humanity to gain, understand and accept the past as create a better future. Psychology is an evolutionary field. Years of research has presented numerous vicissitudes and growing interest in human behaviors. Psychology has offered therapist, psychiatrist, clinician and mental health professional the tools to implement and aid in growth various fields of psychology.
The Association of Various Theories thru Psychology “Psychology is prone to intellectual fads. The field can be criticized novel ideas and discarding prior ones without necessarily resolving the issues that gave rise to the earlier thinking. This charge, of course, is not unique to psychology; it applies to many of the sciences. The almost wholesale replacement of relativity theory by quantum mechanics in physics in the 20th century is one such example. The linear scala naturae reasoning of Spencer that largely supplanted the richer Darwinian evolutionary thinking is another. Yet, in recent years it has occasionally been recognized that the potential relevance of a body of theory or data does not disappear with its loss of popularity. Modern physics is reuniting relativity and the standard model under the banner of superstring theory, and the theory of punctuated equilibrium in evolutionary biology has made sense of a number of the more obscure factors in the Spencerian model.” (Coon & Mitterer, p.)
William James and Wilhelm Wundt were the first people to establish the first school of psychology establishing term called structuralism. Structuralism means to analyze the mental capacity of the individuals. In the form of introspection it was founded on the principles of the observer and the person’s experiences; which were originally developed by William James. Introspection ideology wanted to know what that person was sensing, tasting or hearing to form its analysis. In James view functionalism was defined as how the mind adapts to its environment in relationship to consciousness. James believed that consciousness flowed like an ever-changing body of water. Wundt, another theorist separated the original school of thought based on introspection and made it an independent study. Wundt wanted to combine the five senses to make them a personal experience while observing the individual.

Edward Titchener studied under Wundt for two years. Titchener took portions of Wundt's theory and brought it to the United States around 1921. Titchener substituted a portion of Wundt's theory and personalized it to combine with his own ideas. Titchener didn't believe in non-experiential theories. Another school of thought was formed called Functionalism. Functionalism focuses on the internal contents such as the unconsciousness or consciousness of the individual instead of the mind. In the wake of structuralism and functionalism the theory of psychoanalysis was formed.
Sigmund Freud was the major contributor to the psychoanalysis theory. Freud probed the unconscious realm for about 50 years; he also altered the views of human nature. Freud developed three personality traits; the id, ego and the super ego to assist the psychology field in understanding human behavior. He felt that these parts were not relevant to the emotional self-image (ego). In belief the id is considered the pleasure sensor of the sub-conscience mind. For example, in the need for intimacy the partners seek satisfaction from each other to fulfill the id. The id never wants anyone to feel unhappy. The ego is the second part of the id which is the judicious and sensible part of the