History Of China In China

Submitted By kngary
Words: 609
Pages: 3


1-Bureau of Censors
A powerful Bureau in Tang era China that tracked all the officials and their records, also conducted the Chinese Census.

2-Chen kingdom fourth and last of the souther dynasties in china, destroyed by sui dynasty, empress wu founder, weak dynasty

3-Empress Wei
Woman who poisoned her husband, son of Empress Wu, to try and get power but failed.

4-Empress Wu
Tang ruler 690-705 C.E. in China; supported Buddhism establishment; tried to elevate Buddhism to state of religion; had multistory statues of Buddha created

5- Footbinding
Practice in chinese society to mutilate women's feet in order to make them smaller; produced pain and restricted women's movement; made it easier to confine women to the household,

6-Gentry class
Officials, Landlords, and Rich merchants. Very important were in control, made the calls

7- Junks
Chinese ships equipped with watertight bulkheads, sternpost rudders, compasses, and bamboo fenders; dominant force in Asian seas east of the Malayan peninsula, especially in the Song and Tang Dynasty's were the BEST ships in the world.

8-Liao dynasty
Founded in 907 by Nomadic Khitan peoples from Manchuria; mantained independence from Song dynasty in China.

9-Neo- Confucians
Revived ancient Confucian teachings in Song era of China; great impact on the dynasties that followed; their emphasis on tradition and hostility to foreign systems made Chinese rulers and bureaucrats less receptive to outside ideas and influences.

10-Qin Empire
Name China comes from Qin (Chin)
• Wanted a unified China - 221 BC
• Only lasted 15 years BUT political form of empire and "administration" provided by Qin continued for over 2,000 years. Last emperor stepped down in 1912
• Legalistic view - harsh
• Was a feudal state that became powerful
• Every idea had goal of unification
• Emperor as name - until 1912
• Created provinces, or districts, to keep control of empire - ended feudal system to create loyalty to central gov.
• System of rewards/punishments (laws)
• Bureaucracy - jobs gained by merit
• New standards for measurements, money (made trade easier, and writing similar today) 1 economy, 1 culture, 1 currency, 1 measurement system
• Land ownership was a possibility for all
• Censorship - vs. anything not legalistic, Book Burning—outlawed Confucius' ideas. People killed-buried alive!
• Great Wall started... not a great success... built to keep peasants in and invaders out. Used existing walls and connected
• Terra Cotta Army-6000+ different men found; were painted with weapons
• Iron Weapons
B/c of harsh rule, Qin did not have support - soldiers/peasants rebelled after death