Course 200/201 – Professional Development Seminar I & 2
Instructor: Ana Mozol Ph.D., RCC.
Email: Telephone: (604) 482-5527
Office hours: Appointments by request. I am available by e-mail or telephone as needed.
Course Dates And Times: Fall 2014
Seminar 1 Course 200: Tuesdays: 6-8 pm September 9, 23 October 7, 21 November 4, 18 December 2
Course Description:
This seminar will provide students an opportunity to meet in a small group with peers and one faculty member. The seminar covers advisement and mentoring around Adler degree requirements and mission, orientation to the fields of counselling and professional psychology, issues of diversity as it relates to the students’ personal and professional growth, and a preliminary overview of ethics within the context of social responsibility. The seminar will also assist students in orienting and preparing for the Community Service Practicum (CSP) and provide a format for integrating students’ experiences at their CSP site. The seminar will also introduce some of the basic counselling microskills.
Course Exit Competencies:
PD Seminar I (course #200)
1. Demonstrate familiarity with their program specific curriculum requirements and mission of the school;
2. Demonstrate familiarity with the Schools’ policies and procedures; SLOAP;
3. Be familiar with matriculation requirements such as the qualifying examination;
4. Understand the local scientist practitioner (practitioner/scholar) model of professional training and the integration of science, theory and practice;
5. Practice reflexivity: Understanding the importance of the concept (throughout your M.A. program) as it relates to your clinical suitability and the requisite personal maturity required for exemplary counselling/psychotherapy practice and general professionalism;
6. Be familiar with the requirement of portfolio preparation;
7. Articulate the rationale and philosophy for the Community Service Practicum requirement, and begin preparation for it;
8. Demonstrate familiarity with the trans-theoretical basic counselling skills that are required as mandatory by the Adler School (Vancouver campus) for entry-level practice in the field.
9. Practice basic counselling skills through small group exercises;
PD Seminar II (course #201)
10. Obtain knowledge about professional organizations and membership pertinent to counsellors and psychotherapists (accreditation, licensure);
11. Acquire a preliminary understanding of the principles of community psychology;
12. Understand the importance of humility in counselling practice and in community service;
13. Emphasize the importance of socially responsible practice;
14. Gain knowledge of effective study habits, stress management and self-care;
15. Formulate a personal mission statement and its relationship to the School mission, and develop a five-year personal and professional career path;
16. Understand the basics of preparing a conference style Poster Presentation.
Course Requirements and Grading:
It is expected that students will attend all classes and be punctual. Participation in class discussions will be a central element in the learning of the material presented. Assignments must be complete on the day they are to be presented, no exceptions.
Pass/No Pass: There is no numeric grade associated with the PD Seminars. Students will receive a pass/fail evaluation upon completion of the seminars. A failing grade (No Pass) automatically requires referral to the Student Comprehensive Evaluation Committee (SCEC).
Journal: At end of 201 seminar please submit a summary of your journal reflections and writing over the two terms that reflects the essence of your learning.
Class Presentations: Based on articles chosen by students to present. Note instructor will provide articles or suggestions at student’s request.
Community Service Practicum