Essay on hog jog mog

Submitted By softbiscuits
Words: 1175
Pages: 5


Compares and contrasts world cultures from the Renaissance and extending to contemporary times, with special regard to Western civilization and traditions, and with emphases on architecture, art, drama, literature, music, philosophy, as well as the art of war analyzed within historical and political contexts. Analyses shed light on differing forms of material culture, belief systems, aesthetic norms, and artistic productions to develop an understanding of modern worldviews.


- Arts and Culture: An Introduction to the Humanities, Volume II, 4thed, by Janetta Rebold Benton and Robert Di Yanni, (ISBN: 978-0-13-213496-5)
-Humanities Resources Links (
-Web Sites announced in class

Class Participation/Quizzes 10%
Group Project 10%
Research Paper 20%
Mid-term Exam 30%
Final Examination 30%

Final Grade Scale:

A = 90 – 100 B+ = 87 – 89 B = 80 – 86 C+ = 77 – 79 C = 70 – 76 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59

Course Requirements

1. All students are expected to be prepared each day to discuss the readings and issues during class. Participation in class discussions and activities will be worth 10% of your final grade. If there are no volunteers, I will begin to call on students randomly. If participation is poor, I will administer quizzes that will count towards your participation grade. In the end, it is up to you whether or not we have quizzes. In order to excel in this portion of your grade, students must participate on a weekly basis by answering questions posed in class.
2. A Research Paper Proposal (including title, thesis statement and a paragraph description of writing strategy) will be due on Wednesday, September 18th. See below for full paper description. Before you proceed with your Paper Proposal, you must first email me your topic of choice and receive a reply from me to continue.
3. An Annotated Bibliography of at least three hard sources to be used in the research paper is due on Wednesday, October 9th, and must follow MLA format (see below).
4. A Research Paper of 4-5 pages will be due on Wednesday, November 6th (see below for more details). The topics can include an individual writer, artist, architect, philosopher, leader, general, religious figure or a work of art, building or piece of literature that reflects an important aspect of that particular society or period of time. Students may choose from any of the chapters covered in this course except those chapters dealing with group projects (Non-Western Traditions). Your topic must meet my approval before proceeding with your paper proposal and annotated bibliography. Email your topic choice and I will reply.
5. Group projects will be assigned at the start of the semester. Groups will consist of 12 to 13 students who will be responsible for a particular chapter in the book. They will present the chapter in class covering all of the major issues, events and individuals important to that particular section. Students are encouraged to be creative in their presentations by using supplement materials, visual aids, props etc. Each student will be expected to present 3-4 minutes worth of material in PowerPoint format. The chapter should be divided accordingly.
6. Mid-term Exam (closed-book) and Final Exam (closed-book exam / cumulative).
7. Portfolios: TBA

Guidelines and Polices 1. More than two unexcused absences will result in a lowered grade. For example, three absences will turn an A grade to a B+; four will turn an A into a B; five will result in a failure. Excused absences relate to doctor’s appointments, transportation troubles, athletic commitments, etc. You must be able to provide proof of these absences for the Dean of Students, should a discrepancy arise. However, you cannot pass this course if you have more than