Hole In My Life Epilogue

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Pages: 3

Hole In My Life Epilogue Epilogue / End “My first book.” I thought as I stood there in accomplishment. Rotten Ralph, I watched as it stood there in all its glory. I was in college when I wrote this book and planned to write more. After college I was thinking about moving out of Boston, but decided against it because all that I did was stay here. I would sometimes find myself driving down the road to the prison and watching the prisoners play, I know that would never be me again. One time when I was driving back from the prison, I looked in one of the cell windows, which is when I thought I saw Hamilton. He was looking down at me, shaking his head at me like he was disappointed at me for turning my life around. But I blinked and he was gone, I sometimes wish I flipped him off or called him out for how mean he was to me. But it was too late for that, so I just drove home. …show more content…
Soon after it was said that the man’s name was Jerome, the man we sold the hash to at Woodstock. A few seconds later, it said the man was facing 50 years of no parole. I sat there in shock for a moment before the guilt crept up, I knew it was my fault, but I tried to think that it was his fault for doing drugs, but deep down I knew. Many times, I tried to get the journal I wrote in prison back, but no matter how much I begged and pleaded they never budged, they would just