1. The division between "us" and "them"
Jews born as German citizens were no longer considered to be Germans. It was now Germans/ Nazi's against everyone else. Those who fell into the category of "everyone else" were then divided into further sects to be discriminated against (i.e. Jews had a 6 pm curfew 7 days a week.)
2. Symbols forced upon the divided
The Star of David was used to depict Jews. They were forced to sew them to every garment of clothing and wear them at all times and would be severely punished, if not killed if they did not. Other symbols were triangles; pink symbolized homosexuals and brown symbolized gypsies. Black was antisocial prisoners, red was political enemies, green was habitual criminals, blue was foreigners and purple for Jehovah's witnesses.
3. Amplified reflection on inhumanity
The Nazis denied humanity to anyone not of their party. By denying victims the title of 'human', the mass killing of innocent people seemed much less