Bransford isn’t bias to any particular side in his article. He is sure to use facts and state quotes from residents the Taco Flat community to bring awareness to homelessness. All while not using his own personal opinions and never stating his position on the issue of homelessness in West America. Bransford …show more content…
Anyone who reads this article should want to help find a solution for tent cities to make them better for the residents. And they should also have a clear understanding as to why and how people have come to be members of these communities. “Tent cities like Taco Flat are communities like any other, and if they are neglected, they will be lost to crime, addiction, and illness. Yet whenever officials act to destroy or stifle them with punitive regulations, they not only wipe out the pride of residents struggling to survive, they also jettison a spirit of self-reliance and innovation that could be harnessed to help meet the housing needs of the