Homelessness In The United States

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Pages: 4

Well over one million people in the United States are homeless. In comparison to the rest of the world, the U.S is incredibly wealthy. These statistics are especially staggering considering the United States has such an economic advantage. Homelessness is such a commonality that people have become insensitive to it. Most cannot visualize themselves in that situation. People rarely consider what exactly causes homelessness. Three prevailing causes of homelessness are drug abuse, illness, and lack of economic opportunity as a result of race.
Drug abuse oftentimes leads to poverty, ultimately resulting in homelessness. Drug abuse is a major issue in the United States. People who abuse drugs often become addicted. Drug addiction takes over people’s
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People who suffer from drug addiction have a hard time keeping a job and are likely to have little or no income. The income that addicts do have is often put back into the addiction. Addicts cannot manage the expense of drugs, let alone the costs of food and even housing. Many people land in desperate situations in which they must sell their houses as a result of an unsustainable drug habit. Even people from affluent backgrounds can end up homeless. Growing up with money does not ensure wealth as an adult. When teenagers act irresponsibly, they put themselves at risk for a number of complications down the line. Simple decisions teenagers make can spiral out of control before their eyes. Doing drugs “just one time” can lead to an addiction.. Drugs may become more important than a place to live as a result of an addiction. People become so impoverished from drug habits that they oftentimes get evicted after months of failing to pay their rent. It is incredibly unfortunate in the cases of children brought up around such lifestyles. No one chooses to be born in a household in which drug abuse occurred. People surrounded by drug users at a young age are also undeniably more susceptible to drug abuse in the future. It is human nature to