Homeschooling Flaws

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Pages: 6

Homeschooling's blatant flaws As a result of many parent's frustration with the public school system, many parents make the decision to take schooling into their own hands. According to the HSLDA (Homeschool legal defense association) There's a little over two million homeschoolers in the united states every year. The specific reasons for homeschooling vary from parents to parent, some think their child will learn better at home, without the distractions of a public school. Others are helicopter parents, who wish to know and control every aspect of their kids life 24/7, and homeschooling is their way of keeping them close and away from the sinful adulteration that the public school kids would contaminate them with. What the parents don't …show more content…
It is the combination of good and bad experiences that will influence how an individual interacts with people and solves problems. In the book, Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World, published by Flat World Knowledge, it's stated that lack of socialization "deprives children of the obvious and not-so-obvious qualities that make them human and in other respects retards their social, cognitive, and emotional development"(The Importance of Socialization,100). So while the socialization within public schools might not always be positive, it is a needed ingredient in crafting a child into a successful …show more content…
Absolutely not. However I strongly believe that if homeschooling is to remain an acceptable form of education, then the students who are homeschooled should be held to the same standards as those who are publicly taught. It is not right to say that homeschooling is more successful when you have teenage children who believe the earth is six thousand years old, and that men walked among dinosaurs. If we are to allow homeschooling, let's have guidelines. It is already mandatory that they be taught the 5 core subjects, but lets also include exactly what those subjects should cover in a yearly basis, and test the students against what public school students in the same age group have been learning for the respective school