That really needed to be left out, I thought it was really distracting to watch fade in and fade out every time. They should've just moved on to the next scene without a special graphic like fade in or fade out. Another objection to the movie is that things were repeated multiple times, like Roy getting hit by a golf ball and that annoying cop. I really thought that there could have been some other parts instead of just repeating things over and over again. All the repeating kind of made me lose interest in what the movie was really trying to convey. In spite of the annoying cop, he failed his mission and his windows got painted black. In order to the cop failing his mission, the police chief downgraded his car to a small, slow baby car. Personally in my mind, all cops deserve to be treated the same. If someone is in trouble on the road, then it’s his job to be there, not slowly trailing behind them for like an hour, and then finally reach up to them. All cops should be treated the same no matter if they fail a mission. The cops are out there to make this world a better