Hotspot and Telus Essay

Submitted By 13818825167
Words: 786
Pages: 4

Currently, Telus has offered limited Wi-fi hotspots in Western Canada, mostly in Downtown Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, and Alberta. They should have # by
> Insert Timeline of implementation + ways to implement (how much?)
This Wi-fi Hotspot will be free with Optik TV subscription to encourage Optik TV revenue and streaming services offered by Telus

Timeline of progress: in months
Negotiating with netflix will cost 3 months to negotiate
App: half year + maintenance
Wifi: 1 year up +
How to Implement each (how to charge customers):
Wifi: free for all Telus consumer to avoid resistance
App: is free to download, need Optik TV’ account to login
Content will depend on your subscription
Netflix charge: + $6 for basic channels, + $8 for premium (Telus’ website)
Telus’ optik tv price Implementation Plan:
Netflix: copyright 30% revenue of earned to netflix
Fix the app: website how much develop

Negotiating with netflix will cost 3 months to negotiate
Partnership with Netflix
To have a partnership with Netflix is very important for TELUS, so we will be the only telecommunication partner in Canada, TELUS will take advantage of popularity of Netflix. Based on the partnership with Netflix and millennial’s preference, TELUS will have a great opportunity to attract more millennial’s subscribers.
We plan to spend 3 months to negotiate the corporation with Netflix. In the corporation plan, TELUS will have all Netflix programs except for the ones restricted by regions. TELUS will also get the right of operate the Netflix programs on TELUS app. Netflix will earn 30% revenue of earning on the Netflix subscriptions through Optik TV for copyright.

Partnership with Netflix
To have a partnership with Netflix is very important for TELUS, so we will be the only telecommunication partner in Canada, TELUS will take advantage of popularity of Netflix. Based on the partnership with Netflix and millennial’s preference, TELUS will have a great opportunity to attract more millennial’s subscribers.
We plan to spend 3 months to negotiate the corporation with Netflix. In the corporation plan, TELUS will have all Netflix programs except for the ones restricted by regions. TELUS will also get the right of operate the Netflix programs on TELUS app. will Netflix will earn 30% revenue of earning on the Netflix subscriptions through Optik TV for copyright. The new bundles with the choice of Netflix subscription will be taken effect after the negotiation. (Figure 1)
Improving the app
Ericsson projects that video will make up 50% of all mobile data traffic by 2019, versus approximately 40% in 2013. (Schmutzler, Siglin 2015). The old incomplete application has become a serious problem that must be solved immediately.
Duo to TELUS’s expertise of technology and past experiences with mobile devices applications, $200,000.00 of the initial found of improving application and $20,000.00 quarterly maintenance fee would bring consumers a perfect application. The expected developing time is 4 months and timely maintenance duo to realistic