Makes it appear that this was not the choice of her great-grandmother. That she was forced into this by some outside force. Basically depicting her as some sort of slave that is silenced sits in the house, a house she doesn't even want to be in. I feel like Cisneros brings this up multiple times to try and show the reader that women in this society are silenced and are made up to be just for men's pleasure. They may not go outside, have fun or even speak. They must sit inside the house all sad and stare out the window wishing for a better life. She also depicts multiple women being abused to make force them into these circumstances. For example there is Minerva who is only a bit older than 13 but already has two children that she must raise on her own. This is because she had a husband who constantly disappears and appears in her life without helping her out at all and physically abusing her on multiple occasions. One night she kicked him out of the house and when he came back it wasn't good. As the author tells us “But that night he came back and sends a big rock through her window and the door is locked. Then he says he's sorry and she opens the door