How Chaakras Are Affecting The Human Body

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Humans are energy beings, our chakras are the invisible energy centers that move energy between your personal and the universal fields. When spinning correctly, chakras are the means by which you can rejuvenate your energy and restore your health. The body is made up of energy fields. What goes on in your energy field directly affects your body. So when your chakras are blocked, your energy flow is also blocked potentially manifesting physical symptoms. 1

Chakra means spinning wheel of light energy. Positioned along the spinal cord, the seven major chakras form channels. Each of which deals with different aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual beings. The seven major chakras extend from the core of the spine to form vibration
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Just like that water, your energy has to go somewhere, and keeping your chakras clear and your energy flowing is the best way to keep your body from experiencing illness as a result of a crack in the dam. This energy field is called our Aura and holds the seven colors of the rainbow. Intention is all that is required for you to channel Universal Divine Energy.
It flows into your body through your Crown and Heart chakras and out through your energy centers to wherever you direct it, to specific parts of your body or to others.
We are incredibly energetic beings, literally made up of the same material as the planets, stars and universe. The energy that’s generated through an interaction, experience or relationship can linger. 2

Listed below are the charkas and possible medical issues with having clogged charka channeles.3

Red is the color of the root chakra at the base of the spine. It symbolizes safety, survival, grounding, nourishment from the Earth’s energy. In chakra healing practices, red may denote inflammation at the physical level. Blood disorders, kidney or bladder problems.

Orange is the color of the sacral chakra between the genitals and naval. It carries
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It is also connected with kidney trouble and a poor digestive system.

Green is the color of the heart chakra at the center of the chest; it is connected with heart problems, immune deficiency and circulatory problems.

Blue is the color of the throat chakra middle of the neck it symbolizes self expression, expression of truth, creative expression, communication. It is connected with sore throat, tension in the back of the neck, headaches and eyestrain.

Purple (or deep indigo blue) is the color of the third eye chakra middle of the brow area; it evokes intuition, extrasensory perception and inner wisdom. It is connected with migraine headaches, sinusitis and problems with the pituitary gland.

White is the color of the crown chakra middle top of the head; it’s associated with the universal
Connection, spirituality, consciousness, depression, lack of mental clarity, tiredness and fatigue.

Some areas may be deficient in energy, while others may have too much. For this reason, it is worth exploring and double-checking every cause and symptom for the most complete healing . 4
Listed are a few techniques that awaken your energy centers as part of an overall process that works with your body and