How Darwinism Generally And Eugenics Specifically Used To Affect America's Immigration Policies?

Words: 880
Pages: 4

1. What is the difference between a. and a. How was Darwinism generally and eugenics specifically used to impact America’s immigration policies? (125-300 words) The application of Darwinism and eugenics in America's immigration policies was a controversial issue in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Darwinism, the theory of natural selection, was applied to human society, and eugenics, the science of improving the human race, was used to justify certain policies. Advocates of eugenics believed that certain races were biologically superior to others and, therefore, should be allowed to enter the country more easily. This belief led to the implementation of laws that restricted immigration for those deemed "inferior" or "unfit" based on eugenic theories. For example, the Immigration Act of 1924 established quotas for certain countries and excluded immigrants from Asia and Africa entirely. …show more content…
However, these policies were eventually criticized and challenged for their discriminatory nature. The use of eugenics in immigration policy was discredited due to its association with Nazi Germany and the horrors of the Holocaust. Today, we recognize the dangers of using science to justify discrimination and strive toward more inclusive and equitable immigration policies. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? How did the popularity and acceptance of Social Darwinism lead to the classification of some people as inferior? Who was the superior and who was the inferior? How are the inferior people treated differently? 125-300 words (125-300