How Did Charles Horton Cooley Make

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Noheli Acosta Chapter 4 Assignment Soc 1001 April 9, 2024.

What is a socialization program? Socialization is when, as individuals, we create interactions with others and learn how to behave in society. Socialization helps us connect with others, develop relationships, understand social norms, and navigate through different social situations. What influences the socialization process? The socialization process is influenced by culture, media, family and friends, school, and society in general. These different factors shape our attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors as we learn to blend in and work together in communities. What contributions to Sociology did Charles Horton Cooley make? Describe and give an example. Charles Horton Colley,
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One example is a graduation ceremony which marks the completion of a level in education and they are transitioning to the next stage in their life. Another example is a wedding ceremony which symbolizes two single individuals transitioning into being married and starting a new life as a married couple. Drawing on Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, discuss how each of the following groups engage in impression management: athletes, college instructors, parents, physicians, and politicians. In Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, impression management refers to how people present themselves to others in order to create a certain perception of who they are. Athletes focus on managing their public image through behavior on and off the field, their performances in games, and fan interactions in person and in the media so they maintain a positive reputation. College instructors use teaching styles, expertise, authority, and interactions with students and peers to establish credibility and, also, create a positive and successful learning environment. Parents manage their self-image through involvement in their children’s activities, parenting techniques, and interactions with their children and other parents to