How Did Civilian And Military Technology Affect Ww1

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Pages: 3

Widespread use of civilian and military technology in the time of World War I grew rapidly, affecting the lives of those at war and back at home. While this technology changed the face of warfighting and led to a catastrophic number of casualties as well as a long-term stalemate on the battlefield, it was also used on the homefront to shore up support for the war effort and reaffirm the public’s commitment to the cause. The use of technology both at home and away permanently changed the face of war and increased the appeal for support of nationalism during the span of World War I. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, a British officer during World War I, wrote, “(t)he great strength of modern field defenses and the power and precision of modern weapons… combined to increase the price to be paid for victory.” This great price became evident early on the World War I, when the availability of machine guns and ammunition allowed a stalemate to form along the trenches of the Western Front, resulting in carnage previously unseen in battle. Even the development and use of poison gases proved ineffective at …show more content…
A nation’s ability to call up hundreds of thousands, even millions, of its citizens and commit them to such a bloody conflict, while mobilizing those at home to fill the gaps left behind by their absence, directly stemmed from the rise of nationalism. Nationalism grew in popularity over time; its promotion was eased by the influx of technology used to develop and distribute mass media. Radio addresses by political leaders allowed for the efficient spread of political ideology, while weekly wireless programs could be used to give citizens a feeling of association with national broadcasters and popular figures. These associations helped grow a sense of national unity and cohesion, an important step for a government in need of a workforce, or more urgently, a fighting