The American Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars in U.S history. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln won the election and was elected president of the United States. He had won the election as the first Republican president on a platform wanting to abolish slavery. Lincoln had no slave tolerance and wanted them out of the territories, unfortunately though there were 7 slave states in the deep South that formed their own nation, the Confederate States of America. These group of people worshipped slavery 100% and would fight to keep it alive if they had to. The Confederate States of America believed in the moral integrity of slavery. They truly believed that african americans were inferior to them. They were extremely protective …show more content…
Lee was struggling in Virginia until Ulysses S. Grant came down to Virginia to lead and become chief of all union armies. The confederate union was lead by uneducated unlucky generals and always came short to generals like General William Tecumseh Sherman and General George Thomas. General William led his army and conquered the Confederate heartland of Georgia and South Carolina. General George Thomas was a part of the battle of Nashville and effectively destroyed the Confederate army of Tennessee. Around spring time of 1865 all the armies of the Confederate’s had surrendered. The war had officially ended on May 10, 1865 when the President of the Confederate union was captured, his name was Jefferson Davis. The Confederate Union were surrounded and were collapsed so that gave them no other choice than to call it a war and lose.
The North were victorious and can now continue the long process of becoming a slave free nation. The Civil War came with hundreds and thousands of deaths, there were approximately 625,000 lives of American soldiers that had died during this brutal, bloody war. Overall the war was successful for the North and they got to become and work their way to rebuilding a united nation free of