Being knowledgeable is exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. Henry Ford was a knowledgeable man. He trained to be a machinist when he was younger. Once he turned 16 he left the farm to Dearborn. Later in his life he got a job at a light bulb company. During his free time, he designed a horseless carriage. Henry Ford also was responsible for new sales techniques. An example of a …show more content…
Henry Ford was open-minded to new ideas. One of the ideas he was open minded to was mass production. He used the assembly line to mass produce cars. He was open minded to his board, who suggested raising costs and lowering quality. He tried their idea, but then later changed it back to good quality and low costs. To help improve his company Henry Ford was open-minded.
Being a risk-taker is facing challenges head on and exploring new strategies. Henry Ford was a risk-taker. Selling high quality products for little cost was a huge risk. If no one bought his cars, he would
lose lots of money. To sell many cars at a cost middle classed people could buy instead of selling a few cars at a luxurious cost. He chose to pay his workers an insane wage of five dollars a day, which was unheard of back then. If his cars didn’t sell he would not be able to pay his workers five dollars a day. To make such a big difference in the world, one must take