How Did John Edgar Hoover Cause Crime

Words: 2022
Pages: 9

John Edgar Hoover

The economic recession, called the Great Depression, had caused crime to run rampant across the country. Crime rates had risen significantly in the beginning of the decade, specifically in 1933: the ''nationwide homicide mortality rate hit a high, with 9.7 per 100,000 people'' killed ( Editors, 2018). A significant reason for the spike in crime rates, specifically the violent ones, was due to the rise and spread of the mafia. The United States government was frantically trying to reduce the rise of mob gangsters' impact on America. The investigative branch in the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Investigation, was small in terms of impact on halting the crime rate; it was doing the exact opposite it had intended
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Serving for 48 years, in this paper I will be dissecting the many shades of the man who gave the reputation of what we now know today as the FBI. Speed was born on January 1st, 1895. John Edgar Hoover was born in Washington, D.C. to Anna Marie and Dickerson Naylor Hoover. Hoover lived in Washington D.C. all his life, with his early years residing in Seward Square in a house just three blocks away from the Capitol. Living in the place to be for politics, it was almost like John was destined for a life in government. Both his parents had family history of government service and connections; Anna Marie's Swiss grandfather served as Switzerland's consultant to the United States, and Dickerson's great grandfather was rumored to have participated in construction of the White House. From a young age, Hoover was determined and ferocious; having developed a stutter in first grade, he practiced in his room for hours with a single-mindedness he would show throughout his life to get rid of it (Cunningham, 2006). During his teenage years, the Central High School Newspaper credited him for his ''cool, relentless logic'' on the debate team (Weiner, 2013).His fast-speaking, quickened speech was rumored to be the origin behind the nickname ''Speed'', which he would respond to as if it was his