Caesar rebuilt cities that had been destroyed so that more citizens could settle there. One of the cities he rebuilt was Carthage, which was destroyed during the Punic Wars. Because of Julius Caesar’s strong military leadership, he gained the support of the Roman soldiers. The army of the Roman Empire fought hard and defended the empire, for they trusted Caesar and his plans to strengthen the place where they lived. With his strong army, Caesar took over and conquered land. This expanded the Roman Empire’s territory and increased the empire’s stability. The Roman Empire became stronger and safer through the leadership of Julius Caesar. In summary, Julius Caesar was a hero due to his commitment of making sure that the Roman people had a voice in their government, showing respect to his enemies, and stabilizing the empire . Showing kindness and gaining territory helped build the Roman Empire into the powerful icon it once was. Julius Caesar was one of the most powerful leaders in history because of the significant contributions he made to the Roman