How Did Krypto Changed My Life

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Pages: 4

When I look back at everything this day started out as any other day. Krypto and I start the day with our morning jog. Who would have known that I would be stuck in this hole out on our jogging trail waiting for help? It all started 34 years ago. I was born on the 4th of July in a small town of Presidio, Texas near the Mexican border. I should have known my life would be interesting from its start into this world. My mom often tells me how I couldn’t wait to be born. I was born on the way to the hospital in the backseat of my family’s old car. I couldn’t wait to come out she said. Sorry my mind is starting to wonder now, I’ve been stuck in this hole for more than seven days now waiting for help to arrive. I sent my dog Krypto with a note to get help for me. You might be thinking you sent your dog for help what? Well Krypto is not any ordinary dog. He is an ex-military bomb seeking dog that I work with on the police force in my town of Presidio, Texas. It is a small border town next to Mexico. I have lived here thirty-four years. I have been a police officer for ten years. I’ve had Krypto as a partner for two years now. He is being re-trained as a narcotic sniffing dog in the drug enforcement area of the police force. I am a narcotics officer in Presidio, Texas. Krypto is not just my dog he is my partner on the police force. Therefore, I trust that he will be able to get …show more content…
Krypto has made it to town and is searching for help from someone anyone. Teddy’s old friend Kelly Smith from the police academy happened to be in town at her parents’ house who live in town. She was back there at their house for a visit and Krypto noticed her car and went to the door of her house. His ferocious barking summoned me to the door. It was not my dog; whose was it? As I opened the screen door, the dog leaped up, gave me a note (it had been clenched between his teeth), and waited intently for me to follow