How Did Martin Luther King Contribute To The Renaissance?

Words: 1476
Pages: 6

Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was born 477 years before Martin Luther King was born? Although both individuals were born during completely different periods, they brought huge contributions to the world, paving the way for many generations to come. Da Vinci produced innovative changes to the world of art, whereas Martin helped immensely to change the lack of equality that occurred during the years of segregation. Both idealists contributed to bringing societal change in their lodge of ambition, which their sense of character indefinitely influenced. Ultimately, they are two extremely diverse kin, but both possess similar traits to some degree. To start, Martin Luther King possessed exceptional intelligence. He was born in 1929 and displayed …show more content…
You could say these two “thought outside of the box.” At first glance, others, including me, would think that there was no sort of plausible connection between these two historical figures. I mean, how could someone from the Renaissance possibly relate to someone who lived in a period over 500 years later? But, it goes to show from this text above, that Martin Luther King and Leonardo da Vinci were much more alike than what appealed to the human eye. In conclusion, Martin Luther King and Leonardo Da Vinci were both very alike and dissimilar in many ways. Although their accomplishments differ quite a lot, their sense of revolution will carry on for decades, if not centuries. They both built the basis for modern customs in their own guilds, just as Leo’s was with the beauty of art, and Martin’s was with the abolishing of segregation. Putting all of that aside, they both brought heavy societal change, so for that, they should be celebrated. History is something that we will all undoubtedly become, but it comes down to the fulfillments in which we will be remembered. I hope that people will continue to carry on that same legacy of change and achievements that these two have