How Did Maus Survive The Holocaust

Words: 313
Pages: 2

The Holocaust was a very challenging time for all people. Jewish people were targeted the most during this time and were murdered by the Nazis. Adolf Hitler was the dictator in Germany during the time of the Holocaust, which was from 1941 to 1945. He used propaganda over many years to get Germany on his side and to justify what he did to the Jews. The Nazis ended up killing nearly 7 million Jews in just 4 years. Vladek Spiegalman was one of the Jews who survived the Holocaust. His family’s life and many others were drastically changed by the Holocaust. The book “Maus” by Vladek's son Art Spiegelman is about what Vladek went through in the Holocaust and how he survived. In the book Maus, the theme of when you're faced with extreme challenges,