How Did Napalm Use Inhumane Weapons

Words: 388
Pages: 2

A war had erupted without an official or legal declaration from Lyndon B. Johnson, the current President. The United States of America v. Vietnam, which lasted 19 years, 5 months, and 1 day, from 1955 to 1975.

The Vietnam War was one of the more experimental and cruel wars in U.S. history, using weapons, methods, people, and technology in obscene ways. One particular weapon, named Napalm, was one of the most inhumane weapons. Its purpose was intense pain followed by death. It’s essentially a firebomb; however, it stuck to the victim's body and was extremely difficult to remove, while giving you fourth- to fifth-degree burns. Burning through muscle and bone, eviscerating the flesh, like a hammer to a glass pane.

Napalm was extremely controversial,