A yes vote will give Scotland a voice, independent of the U.K. and become an equal member of the U.N., NATO, and the European Union. Currently, Scottish governments have the right to make laws that effect devolved matters, whereas reserved matters remain the responsibility of the UK Parliament. As stated in Scotland’s Future: Your guide to an independent Scotland , “Independence will provide a step change for Scotland internationally. We will no longer be in the shadow of Westminster, with its increasingly insular and isolationist elements. Instead we can bring a new and distinct accent and approach to world affairs.” (APS Group Scotland 2013, 210) With Scotland’s proposal of independence and through an establishment of global Embassies, this is a case for a sovereign nation to seek the opportunities equal to every other socially, politically, economically and environmentally independent nation. In an article written in The Harold, Salmond, the first minister of Scotland states that, "the people who live in Scotland are best placed to make the decisions that affect Scotland”. (Currie