How Did The Watergate Scandal

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In American politics there yet from the Prime Minister in 1789, George Washington, many scandals Been. Small 'mistakes' to the big mistakes of the presidents die, many of us Know.
The very first US president was George Washington, it is said that he would have had a relationship with a married woman, Sally Fairfax. This kind of love scandals, there are more. Still son scandal was the relationship of Thomas Jefferson, president from 1801-1809, with its own slave Sarah "Sally Hemmings. He was with her several children. The most famous scandal is the affair had President Bill Clinton with Lewinsky in the years 1993-2001. This scandal nearly cost Clinton his presidency. All these presidents, nonetheless, possibly one of the most beloved presidents.
The Watergate scandal is often seen as the biggest scandal that America has ever had so far. This is mainly because it is the only scandal is thus a president has resigned. The Watergate scandal began in the 1970s when five men who worked for Nixon were caught in a burglary at the headquarters of the Democrats. First the men were convicted of burglary and wiretapping, but came out during the trial that they had been instructed by the government, which had tried to hide her
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Grant was from 1869 to 1877 president of America, and throughout his presidency was marked by corruption. Best known is the Whiskey Ring scandal that came to tax evasion and bribery, which many politicians and whiskey distillers were involved. In 1875 it was announced that several members of the government tax revenue sticking out of the country whiskey sales in their own pocket. Grant demanded that the guilty were punished, and then revealed that he was trying to protect his private secretary, who was also involved in the case. Then it became a scandal. Although Grant himself was not directly involved in the Whiskey Ring, was his attempt to protect his friends seen as a proof of the fact that his government was corrupt through and