Grant’s military career started at age 17. This is when he enrolled to West Point. He was enrolled because his father new West Point had a great education nd the best part was it was free. Although West Point was a school of great education at the time once you were enrolled as soon as you graduated you were enrolled into the branch of the military you were most qualified for. When Ulysses S Grant was registered to West Point by his father his name was changed. The sole purpose of changing was his initials. His original name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. {H.U.G.}, but when his father signed him up he signed him up as Ulysses S. grant. {U.S.G.} { The S never did mean anything. } His father never told him about this. So when he went to the front desk he learned that he was registered as Ulysses S. Grant. From there on that became his new name. Grant got none more in West Point for his nicknames. People started calling him things like Uncle Sam and U. S. Grant. Another thing Grant was none for was his horse riding ability. Ulysses set records for horse jumping at West Point. These records wouldn’ t be broken for about 50