How Did Ww2 Changed Women's Lives

Words: 441
Pages: 2

World War II changed women's lives. Women realize that they don't want to be just housewives, they want to have jobs just like men do. All that changed just because of World War II by them volunteering to send supplies for soldiers, by becoming nurses to help the soldiers, and by entertaining the soldiers.

Women volunteered to send supplies to keep the soldiers stocked. The place where the women volunteers are is called the American Red Cross, it's where the women go and send supplies to soldiers. "For example, Katharine Phillips volunteered at the Red Cross canteen in Mobile, Alabama, where departing and returning soldiers were fed, clothed, and cared for medically before either being sent off to military service in Europe or the Pacific, or returning to their families when they were gravely wounded and unable to continue fighting,"(DeAngelis). Sending supplies to the soldiers in order to keep fighting is good for the soldiers. In addition to keeping them full in stock, the next step is that women are becoming nurses.

They become nurses to help the soldiers. They wanted to be in combat with the men in World War II but they could not, but they did become nurses to help the injured soldiers to get back on their feet. "Women were restricted from combat zones; however, many became nurses to help the men injured in combat,"("Staff of the National
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The women volunteered to a United Service Organization to get their minds off things for a while. "Another volunteer group, the United Service Organizations (USO), provided social services, entertainment, and companionship for servicemen. Not only did the perform in bases all across the United States, they travelled the world to bring their shows to the servicemen, often so close to the battlefield that shelling could be heard in the distance as they sang and danced for 'their boys.'"(DeAngelis). Entertaining the soldiers means that they can get their courage back and ready to