How Divorce Affects Children

Words: 2593
Pages: 11

Introduction There is a 50% divorce rate among couples that get married at a young age. Many people end up in thousands even millions of dollars in debt from divorce trails because of various reasons. Divorce is the highest if has ever been before. 9 out of 10 couples get divorced. There are many reasons that this may happen. For example, cheating, fall out of love, lack of intimacy, and miscommunication. That is the big one, miscommunication. Men and women by nature do not understand what the other on wants and needs out of the relationship. As a result, the two fight ending in divorce. If this event is hard on the couple, imagine how the situation affects children, if they are in the mix. The emotional trauma is hard for everyone involved, especially kids. I would know from experience since my parents divorced when I was nine years old. During the whole process, us kids went through a tremendous amount of stress, pressure, and emotions. Divorce is one of those things that changes a person forever. Children can even suffer in development because of this event. Most of the time this is because the kids are too young to understand and are confused. Divorce changes everyone.
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However, there is plenty of information to verify that there is an impact on kids in the divorce situation. According to a study done by Mo-Yee Lee (2001), on marital violence on the psychological affect on children states that there is high chance of children having psychological issues because of violence in marital conflict. Furthermore, kids are at risk for post-traumatic stress and behavioral problems (Mo-Yee Lee, 2001). Marital conflict causes the children to learn that aggression is to be used to get what one wants (Mo-Yee Lee, 2001). Most of the time during divorce children feel abandoned, confused, sad, or angry (Mo-Yee Lee,