However, many climate scientists say that the Paris agreement does not go far enough, and needs to set firmer targets to make a real difference. The Paris agreement is also not legally binding, so if countries do not make efforts to meet their goals, there will be very few consequences and it cannot force a country to achieve the emission targets. Yes, the issue of climate change in Australia is extremely important, and does matter to Australia today. Climate change will have many negative effects on Australia, and the people living here. According to the Australian Museum (2021), Australia is already experiencing increased temperatures, extreme droughts, longer fire season, and more intense weather due to climate change. Additionally, rising sea levels threaten housing and infrastructure in coastal regions. Climate change negatively affects the environment of Australia, such as the Great Barrier Reef. Heat stress can cause coral bleaching, which puts the coral at a higher risk of starvation and disease. Marine heatwaves have triggered four mass coral bleaching events in the last seven