How Does Ddt Affect Bald Eagles

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You can't eat fish. It's 6,000 parts DDT per million all over the world, not counting radiation.- Dick Dale. This is what DDT is this is what DDT does to us. Even though DDT kills malaria the benefits of DDT do outweigh the costs to the environment. My first reason is DDT harmed different birds of prey it harmed the bald eagles so much that they were threatened to extinction in 48 states. My second reason is if DDT is used around people it will give them cancer. People say that they use DDT to get rid of malaria and that is partially true but malaria does not come from mosquitoes but from a parasite.

DDT harmed different birds of prey it harmed the bald eagles so much that they were threatened to extinction in 48 states. A long time
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Back when there was DDT around people thought that it was good because it help get rid of bugs but then they found out that it was partially bad. Rachel Carson was an environmentalist. In the article “How DDT Harmed Hawks and Eagles” it says “The dangerous consequences of spraying synthetic pesticides were not realized until 1962. An American biologist, Rachel Carson, published Silent Spring. The public learned DDT caused cancer in people.” What this is saying is that Rachel Carson found out that DDT being exposed to people will cause them to get cancer under some circumstances. Another thing is when it was back in 1993 when they actually still used DDT I believe. They found out that DDT caused something in humans. A 1993 New York Times article says that “68 pesticide ingredients [not in use] have been determined to cause cancer. One out of every 10 community drinking-water wells contains pesticides…. Farmers exposed to “herbicides” [weed killers] have a six times greater risk than others of contracting certain cancers. Children in homes using pesticides are seven time as likely to develop childhood leukemia [a form of cancer].” This shows the benefits of ddt are not worth the consequences because if somebody gets cancer it hurts them and DDT is not only kill mosquitoes but other things. In the article “HEALTH CANCER DDT, Lindane Can Cause Cancer, WHO Says” it says “Exposure to insecticides lindane and DDT can cause …show more content…
The article that specifically states that DDT was used to get rid of bugs is called: “The Exterminator” by Kirsten Weir “Bate is one of several health officials now pushing for broader use of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), a chemical that played an important role in kicking malaria out of the United States.” This means DDT was used and it helped get rid of malaria in the united states. But there is more to the story. Bugs are not the causes of malaria. Studies have shown that malaria came from a parasite called plasmodium. “Toward the end of the 19th century, scientists identified the true cause: a single-celled parasite they named Plasmodium.” Right there in this quote is your answer to all your