How Does Steinbeck Present Crooks Discrimination Against

Words: 272
Pages: 2

Nevaeh Daniel Ela per. 5 Decker/Mekemson 13 March 2024.

Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your race? Have you ever felt like you have been judged or people assumed stuff about you just off of the amount of melanin you have? In John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men,it kind of talks about the type of discrimination towards other people while the two protagonists, Lennie and George, are trying to find a job during the great depression. Steinbeck’s character crooks demonstrates discrimination in Of Mice and Men Because he's black.

Throughout the novel, Steinbeck shows crooks being discriminated against due to his skin color. An example of this can be seen when crooks tell Lennie that the others play cards in his