How Does Steinbeck Present The American Dream In Of Mice And Men

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Steinbeck illustrates how the world is cruel and that not everyone will achieve their desire or the American dream that they hoped for. Instead of the author writing about the “hopes”, or “dreams”, he talks about the reality and the harshness in life back then in the Great Depression and those who may have experienced this in life to this day. He shows this as we have encountered this throughout the book and till the end, as George and Lennie had the American dream of owning their little ranch to have a sustainable life. In the book it says “‘George, how long’s it gonna be till we get that little place an’ live on the fatta the lan’ -an’ rabbits?”’(Steinbeck 56). Shows how George and Lennie’s dream wasn’t too big and they wanted a farm during this time of the Great Depression. …show more content…
This can be incorporated into the present day of 2023 as there are still people who struggle, as said “In a world brimming with so much technology and wealth, why are so many people still struggling just to stay alive? There are the homeless on the street corners, those in poverty just a paycheck away from being homeless, sick and elderly left to fend for themselves, and countries torn by war.”(Nicole Dake). Some people only dream of the basic needs to live and maybe not bigger things as they have not required the basic needs. Unlike some others who might already have the basic needs to live and want more. Another quote that also shows this is when the author wrote “‘I seen too many guys with land in their head. They never get none under their hand.”’(Steinbeck 76). When Crooks said that, he was bringing back the reality to the other men that desires are not always achieved, and met, they dream and hope as it is a way to escape from their reality, their happy place when things don’t go their way in