How Does Subject Matter Jurisdiction Differ From Jurisdiction In Rem?

Words: 437
Pages: 2


1. What is jurisdiction? How does subject matter jurisdiction differ from jurisdiction over the parties? How does in personam jurisdiction differ from jurisdiction in rem? Provide example of your own to support your reasoning
Answer-1: Jurisdiction is a power of a court and decide a lawsuit brought against. Subject matter jurisdiction is based upon a specific subject. Jurisdiction over the parties can be in personam which means over specific group of people.In personam jurisdiction against people and what they did punched and in rem is jurisdiction against property ex. car accident , stealing property for which we can ask to give back or attach something to give us for that.
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Explain the process of jury selection and the difference in the types of challenges . In addition, discuss the implication of race-based or gender-based exclusions from a jury by a prosecutor or defence attorney.
Answer-2: The jury pool is chosen from community using ordinary method, they are compiled from voter registrations and randomly chosen.After that the panel of jurors are called to a courtroom. Lawyers can exclude jury if they don't like them and they don't want certain people to be there.

3. When do the federal courts have jurisdiction to hear a case ? Over what types of cases do the federal courts have concurrent jurisdiction ? Over what types of cases do the federal courts have diversity jurisdiction?
Answer-3: Federal courts have jurisdiction to hear a case when the case is a federal issue which means that federal courts will hear cases that involve questions argue on the Constitution or other federal laws.Federal courts have assortment jurisdiction over cases that costs more than 75.000$