How Has Linda Sue Park Used Or Altered History?

Words: 454
Pages: 2

How has Linda Sue Park used or altered history in the novel? loins, alligators, desert, disease, walking for miles, lack of food and water, how did they survive? In the novel A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park altered history by writing a story about Salva, a kid who survived war, and Nya, a girl who has to walk to get water. This is a real event that happened years ago. Also in the Lost Boys article they also survive the war of Sudan, hunger and diseases. In the Lost Girls article it tells you about how unfair everything was they were able to sell and were used for labor. In this essay I will show what is similar between the risks of the lost boys and Salva. As well as the difference between Nya and the lost girls.

The risk of the journey for Salva and the lost boys: The journey had disease, war, were shot at, had lack of sleep and walked non-stop. “Some have been killed, some have died from hunger and disease.”(17-18 Article) “everyone was always hungry and there was never enough food.”(Alwtw). This shows the risks of the journey, it shows how they have lived and gone through all the suffering and pain. They had to beg or resort to petty crime.
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These are very different ways they are treated. They were treated differently because Nya wasn't alive during the war but had to be careful of the rival tribes, well the Lost girls got adopted into horrible families. “In other words, an unpaid slave.”(lost girls 17-18 article) “so all the children can go to school.” “The girls too.”(alwtw) This shows that this was unfair because the lost girls had to do labor work and could be sold at any point. This shows the differences between the lost girls and