The emperor of Persia had a tolerance policy, after regions were conquered he allowed the people living there to continue speaking their native languages and practicing whichever religion they wanted instead of forcing them to conform to Persia’s language, religion, and traditions. Having this tolerance policy kept Persia’s citizens happy and made uproars less likely.
Persia was divided into city-states resembling a state or county with a governor managing them. This form of governing made it easier to control the large area as the governors could report back to the emperor. Having an authority figure in each region of the empire also allowed laws to be enforced more easily and kept the people under greater control than if the emperor had to run the whole country himself. …show more content…
The establishment of this road created an easy way to travel within the empire as well as an easy way to send out laws and commands to the city-states. Uproars could be put down quickly now as the government officials and the military had an easier route. The royal road also made defending Persia’s borders from intruders much easier.
Persia’s control tactics made it one of the greatest empires in history and some of its tactics are still used today. Having a tolerance policy kept its citizens happy, dividing the empire into city-states managed by governors made the large area easier to control, and the royal road provided an easy travel