How Is Macbeth Portrayed In The Great Gatsby

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Pages: 6

Many people are portrayed in different ways, this is present in the novel The Great Gatsby and the play Macbeth. The Great Gatsby is a novel that follows Nick Carroway as he tells the story through his eyes of a young Gatsby trying to win back his former lover Daisy. Macbeth is a novel about a strikingly strong woman taking control of her husband as he tries to become the next king. Through the obstacles that he faces while trying to get there, and the consequences that he endures after it. Although both pieces of literature are on different subjects, they both have something in common; the women and how they are portrayed. In both readings the women are portrayed as romantic objects, they are selfish people, and they all are deciding factors …show more content…
Later on the change starts occurring when he says “always thought that I require a clearness.” (3.1.137-138). The change that is seen is that earlier on in the story he does not want anything to do with killing, and now he is getting someone else to do the dirty work for him. This is the turning point for Macbeth, it seems as though he has crossed a threshold in that after he has done this he will never be the same. The three witches not only prophesized Macbeth becoming king, but they also introduced apparitions to Macbeth. One apparition told Macbeth that “… For none of women born shall harm Macbeth.” (4.1.82-83). His ambition rises even further after this is said because he now believes that he can kill anyone because everyone is born from a woman. In saying this, he tries to fight Macduff and he loses, and dies. All of the thing that these women say lead to Macbeths death. Similarly, in The Great Gatsby, Daisy unintentionally causes Gatsby’s fate to go the wrong way. In chapter 4 when the young lovers meet again everything falls into place like old times. This is a moment that raises Gatsby’s hope that he can get Daisy back like old times. Another time that Daisy leads on Gatsby is when she states “You look so cool…” (125). This is Daisy’s way of telling Gatsby that she loves him. As this is said Gatsby now believes that him and Daisy are for getting back, and now he is willing to make sacrifices for Daisy that will be seen in the future. After Daisy and Gatsby get into a car accident Gatsby takes the blame for it, and ends up dying. Throughout the story Daisy leads on Gatsby and makes him have false hope in his dreams. All of these women in one way affected the men’s